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Angels for Humans - What Does it Mean to be Human?


Angels for Humans - Rise Above It


About Me

Hi, Thanks for visiting my store. I am an artist that lives in rural NT Australia, and a trip to the post office is quite the drive. That is why I am focusing on digital downloads as they are instant and you can access them immediately after purchase.

I am primarily a painter, however, I also write and work across a variety of mediums. I have artworks in several private and public collections mainly in the Northern Territory.

My goal is to create a self-sustaining lifestyle while also working with themes that are close to my heart. Anyone that knows me knows that I am an angel lover.

I believe these are unprecedented times for humanity and therefore my first collection is a series of posters with the theme Angels for Humans. Each poster is created digitally, using and combining available resources to bring messages of love, hope, and faith to personally and collectively empower each and every one of us.

Hold onto hope and never give up. Together we are stronger. If you have any ideas for the next poster for my Angels for Humans theme drop me a line below.

Follow me on my social links if you like to see what else I am doing.

Be kind and be blest.

Jacki Fleet


Drop Me a Line

I'd love to hear from you! Please contact me using this form for any questions or comments or ideas for something you would like me to create.